Direction (1-5): Study the information below and answer the following question: In a certain code language.
‘Attend class daily good’ is written as 9$5, 24%9, 3$6, 24*3
‘Begin great any matter’ is written as 3&3, 8$9, 10*15, 14$4
‘Less error and fire’ is written as 10$7, 23%8, 9%14, 24&3
‘Tool better than screw’ is written as 16%22, 5$21, 10*4, 14%22
1). The code for the word ‘ great’
a) 3&3
b) 8$9
c) 10*15
d) 14$4
e) None of these
2). The code word ‘10$7’ for the word
a) Less
b) Error
c) And
d) Fire
e) None of these
3). According to the given code what will be the code for the word ‘Burst’?
a) 8*2
b) 6$2
c) 8$4
d) 6#4
e) None of these
4). According to the given code, what is the code for ‘Person’?
a) 12*16
b) 14*18
c) 12$16
d) 16#18
e) None of these
5). By using the given code word, find the code word for ‘Behave well after school’?
a) 14*19, 8$5, 18%23, 21*6
b) 18*21, 12$3, 18%22, 23*5
c) 15*19, 8$6, 14%27, 21*4
d) 16*21, 10$3, 16%25, 23*4
e) 18*23, 10$4, 16%27, 21*4
Directions (Q. 6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions
In a certain code language
" Making the working place " is written as "%U20, &N13, #X23 , !Q16.
" Make clear difference between " is written as "$E04, *D03, %N13, @C02 .
"sLove your job even " is written as "#F05, !K10, &M12, %Z25 .
" Less emphasis on team " is written as " *F05 , @P15, #M12, !U20.
6). What is the code for ‘difference’ in the given code language?
a) *D03
b) %N13
c) $E04
d) @C02
e) None of these
7). What is the possible for ‘*D03, !K10’ in the given code language?
a) clear job
b) make even
c) difference love
d) even between
e) None of these
8). What may be the possible word for ‘@C02, #X23, !U20 ’ in the given code language?
a) making clear job
b) love the team
c) less place difference
d) working between team
e) None of these
9). What may be the possible code for ‘make emphasis’ in the given code language?
a) #X23, @P15
b) !Q16, @P15
c) #X23, #M12
d) %U20, !U20
e) %N13, *F05
10). What is the code for ‘solve tough puzzle’ in the given code language?
a) #R18, &P22, %S20
b) #Q16, &U20, %T19
c) #S14, &T18, %P21
d) #M10, &O15, %T17
e) None of these
Directions (11-14): Consider the following statements and the questions that follow. We will analyse this problem in detail after that. In a certain code language .
"login Mentors and check" is coded as "$4e %4g #2n @6t"
"reads article study there" is coded as "@6i #4u $4e %4a"
"comment about yours doubt" is coded as "$4u @4o %6m #4u"
"get clear exams enjoy" is coded as "@4e #4a $4j %2e"
Q11. What is the code for exams?
(a) @4e
(b) #4a
(c) $4j
(d) %2e
(e) None of these
Q12. What is the code for study?
(a) $4e
(b) #4u
(c) %4a
(d) @6i
(e) None of these
Q13). What is the code for about?
(a) %6m
(b) $4u
(c) @4o
(d) #4u
(e) None of these
Q14. If we code "study Mentors clear exams" as per the above coding method, what will be the code?
(a) $6u %4d #4a @4e
(b) %4u #4e @6t $4a
(c) @4e $6t #6e %4a
(d) #6t @4u @4e %4m
(e) None of these
Directions (15-19): Directions: In the following questions, two Conclusion is given and five statements are given as a), b), c), d) and e. From this you have to take the statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts and then decide which of the given statement logically follows.
Q15. Conclusions:
All Donald being Micky is a possibility.
All Tom being Jerry is a possibility.
a) Statements I: All Donald is Jerry. All Jerry is Micky. No Micky is Tom.
b) Statements II: Some Donald is Jerry. No Jerry is Micky. Some Micky is Tom.
c) Statements III: Some Donald is Jerry. Some Jerry is Micky. No Micky is Tom.
d) Statements IV: All Donald is Jerry. No Jerry is Micky. All Micky is Tom.
e) Statements V: No Jerry is Tom. Some Donald is Tom. No Micky is Donald.
16. Conclusions:
Some Table is plastic.
Some plastic are bench
a) Statements I: All Table are Chair. All Chairs is bench. Some benches are plastic.
b) Statements II: All Table is Chair. Some Chair is bench. All benches are plastic.
c) Statements III: No Table is Chair. All Chairs are bench. Some benches are plastic.
d) Statements IV: Some Table is Chair. All Chairs are bench. No bench is plastic
e) Statements V: All Table is Chair. All Chairs are bench. All benches are plastic.
17. Conclusions:
Some dates are day.
Some years are day.
a) Statements I: All day are month. All month are year. Some years are date.
b) Statements II: Some days are month. All month are year. Some days are date.
c) Statements III: All day are month. Some month is year. All year are date.
d) Statements IV: All day are month. All month are date. Some years are date.
e) Statements V: No year is day. Some day is date. Some date is month.
Q18. Conclusions:
Some teachers are not student.
Some lessons are classroom.
a) Statements I: Some classroom is not student. All classrooms are teacher. All teachers are lesson.
b) Statements II: All classrooms are teachers. Some student is not classroom. Some teacher is lesson.
c) Statements III: All classrooms are student. No student is teacher. No teachers are lesson.
d) Statements IV: some classrooms are student. No student is teacher. Some teachers are lesson
e) Statements V: All students are classroom. All classrooms are lessons. All lessons are teachers.
Q19. Conclusions:
All windows being cot is a possibility.
Some doors are not pillow.
a) Statements I: Some pillows are window. All windows are door. No door is cot.
b) Statements II: All pillows are window. All windows are door. Some door is cot.
c) Statements III: All pillows are window. No window is door. Some door is cot.
d) Statements IV: Some pillows are window. Some window is door. All doors are cot.
e) Statements V: No window is door. Some door is pillow. Some pillow is cot.
Answer Key with Detailed Explanation:
Direction (1 – 5):
The logic for all the above code is:
1. Z – 1, Y – 2, X – 3, ......., B – 25, A – 26 à The number that represents last letter in the word + 1
2. The symbol with respect to the no. of letters in the word,
Three letter word = &
Four letter word = %
Five letter word = $
Six letter word = *
3. A – 1, B – 2, C – 3, ....., Y – 25, Z – 26 à The number that represents the first letter in the word + 2.
1. Answer: b
Explanation : GREAT = 8$9
G = 7 in alphabet + 2 = 9
T = 7 in reverse order + 1 = 8 Five letter word = $
2. Answer: b
Explanation :
Error = 10$7
E = 5 in alphabet + 2 = 7
R = 9 in reverse order + 1 = 10
Five letter word = $
3. Answer: c
Explanation : Burst = 8$4
B = 2 in alphabet + 2 = 4
T = 7 in reverse order + 1 = 8
Five letter word = $
4. Answer: b
Explanation : Person = 14*18
P = 16 in alphabet + 2 = 18
N = 13 in reverse order + 1 = 14
Six letter word = *
5. Answer: d
Explanation :
Behave well after school = 16*21, 10$3, 16%25, 23*4
Direction (6 – 10):
The logic for all the above code is:
The letter denotes the next letter of the First letter of each word
Like “Clear” – First letter “C” – Next word - D
The Two digit number denotes the alphabet number of First letter (1 - 26)
Like “Make” – First letter - M – 13
And rest of the one symbol and can be anything.
6. Answer: c)
7. Answer: a)
8. Answer: d)
9. Answer: e)
10. Answer: b)
Direction (11 – 14):
11. Ans.(b)
Sol. exams is in statement 4 at third place, so for third place code is #, no. of letters in exams is 5, so numerical code is (5-1) = 4 and middle letter of the word is a. So code for it, is #4a.
12. Ans.(b)
Sol. Study is in statement 3 at third place, so for third place code is 4#; no. of letters are 5, so numerical code is (5-1) = 4 and middle letter of the word is u. So code for it is #4u.
13. Ans.(c)
Sol. about is at second place in statement 3, so for second place code is @, no. of ; letters are 5 so numerical code is (5-1) = 4 and middle letter of the word is . so code for it is @40.
14. Ans.(b)
Sol. This is a different question, in which you have to code according to above coding method. study is at first place in statement, so code is %4u.
Mentors is at second place in statement, so code is @6t.
clear is at third place in statement, so code is #4e.
exams is at fourth place, so code is $4a.
Direction (15– 19) :
15. Ans.(c)
16. Ans.(e)
17. Ans.(b)
18. Ans.(a)
19. Ans.(c)
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